"The acquisition also clearly shows that Bayn is serious about its previously stated ambitions to build a leading Food-Tech company in Sweden, according to Analyst Group. By buying unlisted companies, and thus utilizing the valuation arbitrage that exists between unlisted and listed companies, the Company can continue to acquire companies by offering the acquisition candidates shares in Bayn, which combined with loans, reduces the need for new issues, and thus the dilution," says the responsible analyst.

Read Analyst Group's comment on the acquisition here

About Analyst Group: One of Sweden's leading research houses with a focus on small and medium-sized listed companies.
Read more about Analyst Group here: https://www.analystgroup.se/om-oss/

This is a press release from Analyst Group regarding the publication of commentary on Bayn Europe. Readers may assume that Analyst Group has received compensation for producing the commentary. The client has had no opportunity to influence the parts where Analyst Group has had opinions about the Company, future valuation or anything else that could constitute a subjective assessment.
